Have feedback about the timing tool for this class? Were intervals off by more than a few seconds? Click the feedback icon below to let us know! You'll be helping the rest of the Peloton community who rides this in the future. You can also just email us at mail@homefitnessbuddy.com.
Click below when the 1:00 pre-class timer reaches zero so the timer syncs with the class!
Have feedback about the timing tool for this class? Were intervals off by more than a few seconds? Click the feedback icon below to let us know! You'll be helping the rest of the Peloton community who rides this in the future. You can also just email us at mail@homefitnessbuddy.com.
Did you forget to start the clock until a few seconds in? Start it a bit early? Use the icons below to jump the timer forward and back a second to get it more synced up! This will adjust both the overall timer, and current interval.
Remove 1 second from timer
Add 1 second to timer
Remove 10 seconds from timer
Add 10 seconds to timer
Have feedback about the timing tool for this class? Were intervals off by more than a few seconds? Click the feedback icon below to let us know! You'll be helping the rest of the Peloton community who rides this in the future. You can also just email us at mail@homefitnessbuddy.com.